Sunday, April 28, 2024

Looking for heroes

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Hi Jackie,Our Dairy Exporter magazine sat unopened for a while as I was expecting a bit of the same old but ended up wasting an entire afternoon devouring its pages. Well done!! I agree that your Feb issue of the Exporter should be dropped in every urban letterbox!
Reading Time: < 1 minute

I had been feeling quite despondent over the state of NZ farming and the environment after reading an alarming article on a NZ Farming FB page “River Stance” by Rebecca Macfie, ( that suggested a disaster that is currently taking place and because it’s slow no one seems to understand the seriousness (if that’s even a word ) of the state or degradation of NZ rivers and lakes (Selwyn River especially).

All of the farming environmentalists-heroes featured in the Exporter were in the North Island. Are there some similar reports for the Selwyn River, Canterbury? We currently milk 180 Jersey-cross cows on a 72ha farm on the shores of the Manukau Harbour. We very much understand the implications of effluent and fertilisers so are always interested to read about success stories.


Jacqui Blake
Waiau Pa

Editors note: Thanks for your positive feedback. Guardians of the lake and Wetlands on the West Coast were both about South Island initiatives and we have a great story of farmers improving water quality and stream health in the Waikakahi catchment (South Canterbury) in this issue.

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