Friday, May 3, 2024

Asian buyers spark wool auction sales

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Strong demand from Asian markets led to animated buying at the Christchurch wool auction on Thursday. Crossbred fleece, especially lambs’ wool and the finer end of the adult fleece, benefited.
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New business was written in Asia and good volumes were sought, PGG Wrightson South Island sales manager Dave Burridge said.

Crossbred fleece 31 to 35 microns was 5% to 10% dear than at the previous sale on February 21. Above 35 microns, prices were steady to firm with the better style wools gaining up to 2%.

Lambs’ wool firmed across the board with gains of up to 11% and the finer-end was most sought-after.

A limited supply of adult mid-micron wool (below 31 microns) also sold very strongly. The pass-in rate was 7%.

Sales (all in micron level and price per kg clean): Full wool, good-to-average colour: 28 micron, $9.51, up 26c; 29, $8.90, up 70c; 31, $5.61, up 61c; 32, $5.46, up 66c; 33, $4.94, up 79c; 34, $4.40, up 84c; 35, $3.40, up 20c; 36, $3.20, up 20c; 37, $3.05, up 4c; 38, $3.05, up 4c; 39, $3.04, up 9c. Crossbred second-shear: 33 micron, 3-to-4 inches, $4.37, up 51c; 35, 3-to-4 inches, $3.38, up 22c; 2-to-3 inches, $3.05, up 2c; 37, 3-to-4 inches, $3.08, up 8c; 2-to-3 inches, $3.04, up 4c; 39, 3-to-5 inches, $3.05, up 5c; 3-to-4 inches, $3.04, up 4c; 2-to-3 inches, $3.01, up 1c. Crossbred first lambs’ shear: 27, $7.21kg/clean, up 32c; 28, $6.94, up 10c; 29, $6.35, up 30c; 30, $5.88, up 60c; 31, $4.52, up 14c; 32, $4.30, up 26c.

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