Monday, May 20, 2024
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Reece Brick

31 posts
Over time, Reece Brick has found himself involved in basically all areas of AgriHQ market data in varying degrees. Officially, he leads the large monthly AgriHQ reports (Monthly Sheep & Beef and the Forestry Market Report), while often finding himself down at the Feilding sale yards for the LivestockEye coverage on all store sales there. Otherwise, he’s usually the go-to for all data-related queries and usually ends up the first port of call for IT support in the AgriHQ team. Growing up he lived on a few sheep and beef blocks in the back of Gisborne.

PULSE: How Aussie’s pain benefits NZ

Farmers in Australia were bucked off their hypothetical horse in 2019 and early-2020 when drought was followed by bush fires, then covid-19. And they’re getting back on it without any hesitancy, for better or worse.


ACROSS THE RAILS: Masterton locals compete for ewes

Next to Australia, New Zealand has looked a bit like the depressed cousin of the sheep world lately. They’ve been eagerly jumping back on track following drought and bushfires, whereas NZ farmers have taken the past year as a cue to further cut back sheep numbers.


PULSE: Split market gap widening

Store cattle markets are fickle beasts the best of times. 

A long list of factors shifts livestock values up or down but ultimately it comes down to buyer confidence about what the future holds.

Feed swing for eastern NI

Much needed rainfall has relieved drought-like conditions and resulted in a massive swing in feed conditions through the eastern North Island during February. 

Pasture growth conditions variable

(DATA ANALYSIS) Variable weather conditions across the country have delivered mixed results for pasture growth with some regions facing a dry period while others are faring reasonably well. 

Pasture growth benefits from rain

(DATA ANALYSIS) A wet beginning to November gave way to warmer temperatures and much-needed sunshine towards the tail end of the month, delivering good conditions for pasture growth across much of New Zealand. 

Overcast weather impacts pasture growth

(DATA ANALYSIS) The past month hasn’t brought ideal conditions for pasture growth through the majority of the North Island, but it is the northern and central areas where growth was particularly stunted, AgriHQ analysts say. 


Brazil a tough nut to crack

The United States government has recently announced a lift on its ban of Brazilian beef, opening the market up to one of the world’s largest beef-producing countries.