Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Balclutha sale 22.2

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Store cattle joined the sheep on Wednesday at Balclutha, though the quality was mixed and lines sold accordingly. 
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Prime ewe prices strengthened, while lamb prices eased, PGG Wrightson agent Barry Osbourne reported.

The store lamb market was mainly steady for a good quality line up, though lighter lambs did ease a fraction. Top lambs sold for $80-$83, medium $62-$75, and light $35-$62.

In the prime lamb pens returns were slightly down on the previous week, with heavy lambs earning $99-$116, medium $89-$98, and lighter, $78-$87. Ewe prices however were very strong, with prices up $5-$10 across most types. Heavy ewes returned $98-$114, medium $90-$97, and light $78-$87, with a small tail-end down to $38. Male sheep also sold well, and 2-tooth rams returned $65-$92, and prime rams, $62-$70.

Demand was reasonable for a mixed quality line up of store cattle. Highlights in the R2 pens included Charolais-cross steers, 477kg, at $3.00/kg, Saler-cross heifers, 418kg, $2.75/kg, and Friesian-cross bulls, 353kg, $2.72/kg. Friesian bulls calves, 133kg, fetched $520, and Limousin-cross heifers, 159kg, $570. 

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