Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Feilding prime sale 14.05

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There is little that stands in the way of buyers placing bids for prime lambs, with the market continuing its strong theme at Feilding on Monday.
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Numbers were decent again at nearly 4500 head, with more mixed sex lines than last week, and fewer drafted single sex. Heavy male lambs sold on a very steady market at $164-$177.50, with mixed sex of similar size and weight earning $154-$169. The top mixed sex lines did manage $170-$185. Heavy mixed sex made steady returns at $140-$147, though medium types were slightly softer at $120-$133.50. Ewe lamb numbers were limited and varied from $119 up to $161.

Ewes continue to trickle through in no great hurry, and while the demand is certainly still there this market is just biding its time until larger numbers start to flow. The first of the scanned empty lines were offered and very good ewes set the buyers back $161-$164 though were limited in number, with most  medium to medium-good at $106-$119. One line of 235 light types sold for $75.

Cattle numbers reduced to the lowest level since the first April sale. Cows made up the majority though quality was very mixed with prices reflective of the lack of consistency. Most in the boner pens were dairy-cross and of lesser condition so traded at $1.53-$1.58/kg, with two lines of better Friesian, 468-598kg, making $1.69-$1.79/kg. The better prime cows traded at $1.82-$1.95/kg, while four Angus-Friesian heifers, 440kg, reached $2.46/kg. One line of eight boner heifers, 384kg returned $2.20/kg.

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