Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Feilding prime sale, feeder calves 13.08

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Sheep throughput was typically low at Feilding on Monday as the lamb focus is on Wednesday’s hogget fair, and ewe numbers generally trend down now.
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Lamb numbers dropped to nearly 1700 and were mainly heavy types with few trading below $180. A steady market meant the top male and mixed sex made $193-$225, with heavy ewe lambs earning $170-$184. 

The lull between scanning and docking meant a reduced yarding of ewes and quality was mixed, though prices steady. Most mixed age were medium-good to good and traded at $129-$143, while very good 2-tooths sold to $154-$157.

Just 37 cattle were offered though were spread through a number of pens. A line of Friesian-cross cows with calves sold for $1131 per unit, while boner and prime cow prices were variable. Friesian & Friesian-cross cows, 540-572kg, made the most consistent values at $2.20/kg.

Focus for feeder calf buyers was on the better types and as a result the lighter end eased in the 430 head yarding. The better Friesian bulls sold to $190-$240, but lighter types eased to $80-$110. Top Hereford-Friesian made $200-$255 and medium $110-$160. That gap was repeated in the heifer pens with good types up to $130-$180, but medium at $35-$60.

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