Saturday, April 27, 2024
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Amy Williams

13 posts

Fed Farmers too slow on gun control

Even before they were banned, many farmers voluntarily surrendered their semi-automatics for destruction last week and the distant voice of Federated Farmers could be heard echoing that these guns are still needed on farms.

TOWN TALK: Farm practices need open debate

The first time I drove past the billboard saying Ravensdown and Ballance pollute rivers I did a double-take.

Auckland’s billboards are often standard but every now and then there’s a campaign that grabs people’s attention – last year there was a marriage proposal.


TOWN TALK: The end of plastic milk bottles

One evening as I sat scrolling through my social media feeds I joined an online petition to Fonterra to bring back glass milk bottles.

The petition was small with just over 1000 supporters and called for the dairy giant to switch to glass to reduce plastic and it got me thinking about who initiates change – consumers or businesses?