Monday, May 6, 2024

Feilding prime sale 09.07

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As is typical for the time of year at Feilding prime sheep volume continues to be high but cattle numbers are low. Prices were strong across both the sheep and cattle pens last Monday.
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An even split of lamb and ewe numbers totaled nearly 7300 head, with the biggest yarding of ewes so far this scanning season. The extra number was met by the regular buyers plus one and that certainly helped keep the competition in the market, with prices steady to firm. Most were medium-good to good and sold for $106-$124 and $126-$143 respectively. A good portion however did make it to $145-$155, with almost equal numbers at the other end of the spectrum at $80-$97. A big yarding of 2-tooths mainly made $120-$148.

Regular buyers also continued to put their best bids forward for a slightly reduced yarding of prime lambs. Mixed sex lines were more in the minority, with a much bigger yarding of ewe lambs selling for $135-$173.50, while over 1,000 of the male lambs fetched $170-$189. Second cut males earned $155-$168.

Top honors again went to a line of mixed sex as 52 head reached $190, while all other mixed sex traded at $130-$186.

In the cattle section a total of 40 were penned – consisting of 39 cows and one bull.  Most cows were Friesian and sold on a firming market as 518-578kg earned $1.92-$2.00/kg. Two smaller lines made $1.84-$1.85/kg, while a line of three Hereford, 503kg, also sold for $1.85/kg.

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