Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Feilding prime sale 16.10

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Hogget numbers continued to defy the odds at Feilding on Monday, with a further 3000 prime and 250 store’s yarded. 
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More dairy cows and heifers are also coming forward, with cattle numbers lifting in response.

Also included in the sheep pens was the start of the new season prime lambs, with a line of 74 black face lambs earning $147, and a smaller line, $149.

Demand for hoggets with lamb’s teeth did not falter and prices showed improvement as buyer’s battle to the last. Heavy hoggets made $160-$188, and medium, $131-$164.

The ewe market went from strength to strength as a larger offering met better demand and prices lifted. Good ewes made $131-$158, medium $98-$132, and lighter, $77-$97.

The cow market posted good results, with prices regaining ground lost in the last few weeks. Friesian boners were firm, and 505-580kg averaged $1.96/kg, though results were steady for 470-500kg at $1.86/kg. As the weight dropped another tier the market firmed again to $1.90/kg. Friesian heifers, 432kg, returned $2.30/kg.

Most other lines had dairy influence, and Angus-Friesian cows, 405-414kg, made $1.94-$2.01/kg, while three Angus, 580kg, returned $2.00/kg.

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