Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Feilding store sale 18.10

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Traditional and exotic 2-year steers, 495-545kg, made $3.56-$3.69/kg Yearling South Devon-cross steers, 425-440kg, went for $3.49-$3.62/kg Yearling Friesian bulls, 350-415kg, lifted to $3.20-$3.34/kg New seasons lambs mainly made $128-$159.50 Decent ewes with LAF lifted to $127-$142.50 all counted
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It was all action on the cattle again. Short-term steers are going from strength-to-strength, adding another 5c/kg to the market, with 370-430kg traditional heifers not far behind at $3.45-$3.49/kg. The yearling steers were a bit flat again, but didn’t have the same quality as the week before for the most part – 285-335kg Hereford-Friesian were $3.17-$3.37/kg. Yearling bulls were back well above $3.00/kg again. Few heifers had sold at the time of writing.

Around 1400 terminal-cross new season lambs had a very strong sale. The lighter types were $128-$128.50, rising to $137.50-$140 on the mediums, while the three top lines were $151-$166. The heaviest line was some very large Poll Dorset lambs. Ewes with lambs-at-foot seemed to strengthen another level, though lamb sizes were better than past weeks. The better-quality lines were usually at $131-$137 all counted, with only a few lesser pens and hoggets way back down at $96 all counted. The only big line of hoggets were some light-medium ewes which were $136.

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