Friday, May 3, 2024

Technology and culture pair to increase safety in forests

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(NEWS ALERT) Forestry industry safety will be tackled again in March as the well-supported FIEA Forest Industry Safety Summit conference series goes to Rotorua and Melbourne with a focus on safety culture and new technology. 
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The Forest Industry Engineering Association said a wide range of forest safety experts are making positive change in New Zealand’s forestry workplace using peoples’ minds to bring safety culture change to their work situations and combining that with technology to make their jobs safer.

“Workers and safety champions in the forest industry around the country have been working hard to improve safety in the workplace. Workers have responded with enthusiasm to help rewrite safety rules to keep everyone aware of risks and how to minimise them.

“With workplace safety improvements getting harder to make since the 2013 crisis, forest industry safety leaders are looking to new techniques. Industry leaders say growing safety culture among workers is proving to be valuable for gains in both safety and productivity at the same time,” the association said.

Another area where productivity can grow at the same time as safety is with technology and mechanisation, it said.

“Over $80 million of investment in new steep slope harvester technology has been brought into forests up and down the country in the past three years. Safety in tree harvesting has dramatically improved with machines taking over much of the harvesting on steeper slopes. Now a new stage has been reached and industry people are coming together to make another paradigm shift in workplace safety.”

The FIEA Forest Industry Safety Summit series in March has presenters from both the safety culture growth area and technology for safety in outdoor workplaces. These two solutions are keys to offering simple and practical solutions to people working closely together in forest harvesting operations.

We’ve got really inspiring and practical speakers who have delivered real change for their companies and clients – the case studies they have are proven to bring results,” conference organiser John Stulen said.

“Our sessions and speakers are focused on all workplace roles, on people making real culture change and technologies to make change easier. Often it's a combination of engaging peoples’ minds and providing seamless safety tools, so we’ve got a bit of both in our presentations,” Stulen said.

“We’ve also got safety leaders bringing their experience of learning reviews in the high-voltage electrical industry and civil engineering fields as their people are working in similar conditions – outdoors with uncontrollable weather conditions. There are a lot of similarities with people in forestry workplaces,” Stulen said.

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