Thursday, May 9, 2024

Tuakau sales June 13, 15, 16

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About 550 store cattle were on offer at Tuakau on Thursday and the market stayed firm, Chris Elliott of PGG Wrightson reported.
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Despite the Fieldays just down the road, the sale attracted a good bench of buyers and demand was steady across the board. Relatively dry early-winter conditions ensured heavier cattle continued to sell well, with a good line of whiteface R2 steers at 475kg making $3.04/kg, $1444.

Yearling and 18-month steers also made good money. The better whiteface lots, about 300kg, sold up to $3.32/kg, lesser-bred steers $2.60-$2.80/kg.

Demand for weaner steers was solid. The offering included a good line of well-marked black whiteface steers. The heaviest, 242kg, returned $900 the next cut, 195kg, $850. Another cut at 170kg earned $810. Prices for lighter and lesser-bred steers were a little easier, with most fetching $540-$670.

The bull section featured a good line-up of young Friesians, which sold up to $3.37/kg, with 170-227kg lots trading at $550-$675.

Numbers in the heifer section were fairly light in comparison with the steers. Good R2 heifers, 420kg, traded at $2.70/kg, $1134. Well-marked weaner heifers sold well. Good whiteface lots, 200-220kg, made $700-$800, exotic heifers, about 220kg, $700-$750. Prices for lesser-bred lots at similar weights weren’t as strong, with most making $580-$680. Lighter lots earned $450-$530.

Wednesday’s prime market drew a big yarding of 700 cattle and prices remained firm.

Heavy prime steers sold at $2.80-$2.88/kg, with a 730kg Friesian lot selling up to $2100. Medium steers traded at $2.72-$2.80/kg and a small offering of lighter steers made $2.60-$2.72/kg. Heavy prime heifers returned $2.73-$2.80/kg, medium lots $2.67-$2.73/kg, lighter $2.50-$2.60/kg. Boner cows were out in big numbers and with strong demand the 380-head offering averaged $1.93/kg. The heavier Friesian cows traded at $1.90-$2.28/kg medium $1.70-$1.90/kg. A handful of lighter cows made $1.30-$1.70/kg. A small offering of beef cows, mostly Angus, also sold well. The tops made $2.48/kg and the average was $2.26/kg. The bull section included some good Angus bulls, which earned $2.80-$3.10/kg. Jersey bulls in good order sold at around $2.60/kg.

Almost 3000 ewes and lambs were on offer at Monday’s sheep sale. Prime lamb prices strengthened, with most selling at $90-$128. Store lamb numbers were light and prices ranged from $60 to $95, averaging $79. The best of the ewes made $89 and others sold at $30-$80, averaging $53.

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