Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Dairy Exporter takes top award

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Expert commentary and in-depth analysis in the New Zealand Dairy Exporter led the judges to award the magazine Best Trade Publication/Website at this year’s Canon Media Awards.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The annual Canon Awards are the country’s pinnacle for all publications, websites, journalists and photographers.

The NZ Dairy Exporter entry of three issues from 2016 drew significant praise from the judging panel.

They commented on the publication’s authoritative content.

“It provides thought-leadership to its readers in a complex market,” the judges said.

Editor Jackie Harrigan and deputy editor Sheryl Brown were at the awards to accept the trophy.

Harrigan praised the efforts of her hard-working, dedicated, small team of writers, photographers and designer Jo Hannam.

“Publications are a team effort. The win is one for the team.”

While accepting the award, Harrigan also spoke on behalf of all farm owners and staff working hard to create a strong, viable dairy sector for the country.

“Farmers are feeling a bit brow-beaten from mainstream media but the results of the latest report to the Sustainable Dairy Water Accord show they are investing a lot of time and money in their farm environments,” she said.

NZ Dairy Exporter is the country’s only dairy sector magazine available on subscription. It is published monthly by NZ Farm Life Media along with its sister title, Country-Wide, which delivers similar in-depth content for the drystock and arable sectors.

Publisher Tony Leggett said the win was a huge thrill for the business, which bought both titles from NZX Agri in November.

“I’m delighted for Jackie and her team but this is also a big thank you to the subscribers who have stayed with us and for the advertisers who have seen the value we can deliver them from their investment,” Leggett said.

“Farmers tell us they love the magazine. We’re great believers in print but we’ve also got some great plans to roll out on our website over the second half of this year,” he said.

Farmers Weekly columnist Steve Wyn-Harris was also nominated for an award. His column, From the Ridge, which has been a weekly feature of the paper for almost two decades, was a finalist in the Opinion: humour and satire section.

FW editor Bryan Gibson said Wyn-Harris was a worthy finalist.

“Steve’s columns are often funny but that humour is wrapped around a strong social conscience and an understanding of rural life that connects deeply with our readers.

“The quality and consistency of his writing over a long period while running a successful farming business is inspirational.”

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