Monday, May 6, 2024

Matawhero sale July 22

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Store lambs sold on a steady to firm market at Matawhero on Friday.
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Heavy lines in particular sold readily and made good prices. A large line of 731 male lambs was a highlight of the sale, selling for $96. Most of the medium to good lambs sold for $81-$103. Lighter, mainly ewe lambs were harder going but better than last week and earned $70-$88.

A few prime lambs sold for $94-$112, mixed-age prime ewes $68-$69.50.

A small line of ewes with lambs-at-foot earned $56 all-counted, 5-year run-with-ram ewes made $75. Scanned-in-lamb (SIL) Coopworth ewes fetched $111-$130, SIL Romney ewes $96-$116.50.

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