Monday, May 6, 2024

Feilding ewe fair 17.1

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Good to heavy two-tooth Romney made $229-$263 Coopworth two-tooth’s sold for $234-$260 Four-year Romney and Romdale made $200-$227 The top line of five-year Romney ewes made $202 Medium-good five-year Romney earned $170-$176
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All eyes were on the sheep pens at Feilding on Thursday as the breeding ewe fair took place. Close to 12,000 were offered and though prices were not as high as other fairs, two-tooth’s increased by a greater margin, making it equally as successful. Two-tooth’s gained $60-$80 while older ewes lifted $40-$60. Top price for the fair was $263 for heavy Romney two-tooth’s, and just one line of two-tooth’s fell short of the $200 mark. Good five-year Romney sold for $186-$202, and medium Perendale, $136-$164.  Mixed age mostly sold for $189-$210, and six-year, $121-$176.  

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