Monday, May 20, 2024
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Colin Ley

43 posts

NZ lamb quota gets surprise early airing

An unexpected early start to trade talks on the fringes of the Brexit process, including the leaking of ideas on how New Zealand’s lamb quota may be divided up between the European Union and United Kingdom in two years’ time, has drawn a “concerned” response from British sheep-farming leaders.


NZ lamb becomes Brexit football

If Britain ends up with a bad Brexit deal on lamb the country can always tell the European Union to keep and consume all the lamb it gets from New Zealand and Australia, rather than moving 100,000 tonnes of its tariff-free imports to the United Kingdom, as happens now.

Scots don’t want to copy kiwi example

The prospect of Britain following New Zealand’s example of removing subsidies overnight, as part of Britain’s Brexit solution, was described as a “no, no, no” choice by Scottish farm minister Fergus Ewing.

UK sheep farmers voice free-trade fears

British sheep farm leaders have issued a free-trade negotiation warning to the United Kingdom government not to drive the industry towards ever-higher livestock welfare standards, countering comments by UK Farming Minister George Eustice that Brexit should be used as a chance to increase welfare legislation.


Kiwi lamb supply helps UK farmers

A significant drop in New Zealand lamb exports to the United Kingdom this year has been noted by Scottish farm economist Stuart Ashworth as a key factor in a recent improvement in lamb values on the British market. 


British farmers want lamb deal with kiwis

The idea of Britain and New Zealand working together to promote a complementary fresh lamb offer, with seasonality being used to stimulate demand, was discussed during a recent meeting between English and Welsh farming leaders and delegates from the kiwi meat industry.


NZ and Irish farmers urged to work together

Farmer representatives from Ireland and New Zealand need to start talking directly to each other in the face of Brexit and the start of European Union-NZ free-trade agreement talks, president of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association (ICSA), Patrick Kent says.


Irish say suspend NZ trade talks

Irish dairy farming leader John Comer wants the European Union to suspend its free-trade talks with New Zealand, arguing a deal would be bad for the 16,500 milk producers he represents.