Friday, May 10, 2024
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Suz Bremner

156 posts
Suz Bremner started with AgriHQ in 2009 as a weigh-crate operator at the Stortford Lodge sale yards. She quickly progressed to agri-market analyst and then took on the role as LivestockEye operations manager in 2010. Her focus is sale yard operations and activity and she has a team of 20 that collect data at various sale yards around the country to be used to create the suite of AgriHQ reports. The Across the Rails articles started in 2016, and she also collates the photos and reports for the Sale Yard Wrap pages. Suz farms with her husband Campbell in Hawke's Bay and has two children. Outside of work, she is busy with children's sport and activities, though finds time for eventing and waterskiing, which are both passions of hers.

Lambing early, lambing often

Ewe numbers are losing out to encroaching forestry, but the harassed-looking mothers are making up the difference in more multiples after being mated in the early first cycle.