Sunday, May 19, 2024

Stortford Lodge in-calf cow fair and store sale 04.04

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In-calf cows came out in droves at Stortford Lodge on Wednesday and was the first real test of this market. 
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Store lamb numbers fell again which simply put more pressure on buyers and prices firmed.
Just shy of 2600 store lambs were offered, with the first race well-bred hill country cryptorchid. Good line sizes and the quality offered drew a number of buyers to the rails, and the first line made an impressive $130, while second cuts were steady at $120-$127.50, and third firmed to $111-$117.50. Good rams sold on a steady market at $112-$122, with most ewe lambs trading at $95-$117.50.

A sea of cows was found in the cattle pens where in-calf numbers climbed to 1052 – the biggest yarding since at least 2010. Most were traditional or exotic, and buyers also travelled great distances to place their bids, with Northland through to Wairarapa and the East Coast all playing their part.

Two capital stock consignments were an extra addition to annual draft lines. Purebred South Devon cows were the completion of a herd dispersal with the top line of 50 staying local for the highest price of the day at $1810. Other lines made $1670-$1780. The other capital stock line was Simmental-cross, in-calf to Simmental bull, and most lines made $1430-$1660.

Annual draft lines sold above expectations, either holding 2017 levels or selling at least $100-$150 above. The top line of Hereford to a Hereford bull fetched $1740, compared to last year’s price of $1600.

Angus prices also showed improvement, with top lines up $100-$210 to $1600-$1740, while second cuts made $1460-$1510, and third, $1290-$1400. Beef-cross sold for $1210-$1395, and Hereford-Friesian, $1120-$1280. Friesian-cross returned $750-$1015.

The heifer market was down on the previous year's results, though returns were still very strong. All Angus had seen an Angus bull in early November and R3 tended to trade at $1500-$1620, with R2 Angus making $1370-$1630. One small line of South Devon to a South Devon bull managed $1910.

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