Saturday, May 4, 2024

Balclutha sale 22.3

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Breeding cows featured at Balclutha on Wednesday, and along with a good yarding of store lambs, sold to strong demand, PGG Wrightson agent Emmett Sparrow reported. 
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A lift in the store lamb market resulted from a boost in demand, with heavy lambs up $6-$7 to $90-$95, while medium and light lambs lifted $10 to $80-$86 and $70-$77. Two-tooth breeding ewes fetched $150, and 1-year ewes, $100.

Prime lamb prices were steady, with heavy types earning $112-$120, medium $102-$108, and lighter, $90-$97. Heavy ewes sold well, with prices firm at $120-$127, though a lesser quality line up of medium and light ewes saw prices ease. Medium types returned $92-$104, and light, $74-$87. Two-tooth rams sold for $70-$80.

Breeding cows were keenly contested, and 2nd calving Angus-Friesian, 408kg made $1620, with 4th calving Angus-Hereford, 590kg, at $1500, and mixed age Hereford-Friesian, 560kg, $1360.

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