Saturday, May 4, 2024

Feilding Prime sale 03.09

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Cow numbers crept up at Feilding, while three opportunities to buy lambs this week meant a reduced yarding at Monday’s sale.
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Ewe lamb entries were notably down and there was a softer tone to all sections, especially for medium types. Heavier types traded at $194-$230 but fewer buyers ventured forward for medium and heavy lambs and prices eased $6-$7. Heavy mixed sex traded at $180-$191, and medium $165-$179.

The inclusion of wet-dries lifted ewe numbers and buying was easier. Lighter end ewes sold for $105-$133, and good up to heavy, $136-$175. Two lines of two-four tooth’s sold for $151-$163.

Extra buyers came for the extra cattle and boner prices lifted. The Friesian cows were in excellent order and in three price brackets, with 579-595kg achieving $2.42-$2.50/kg, 470-550kg, $2.36-$2.38/kg, and 440-461kg, $2.20-$2.28/kg. Beef-Friesian cows were lighter types and that was reflected in their prices of $2.16-$2.20/kg, though one line of 506kg Angus-Friesian managed $2.42/kg.

A good buying bench was in attendance for the feeder calf sale and results were mostly positive. Good Friesian bulls made $185-$250, and medium $100-$140. Hereford-Friesian sold to $220-$295 and medium $150-$180, while Angus-cross ranged from $120 up to $210. Good Hereford-Friesian heifers earned $150-$200 and medium, $90-$130, while Angus-cross sold for $80-$145.

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