Saturday, May 4, 2024

Amazone one in a million

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European farm machinery manufacturer Amazone has sold 750,000 of its ZA series twin-disc centrifugal fertiliser spreaders. Amazone product manager Tim Stocker says the feat is probably unmatched by any other manufacturer.
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“Amazone has now sold in excess of one million spreaders, with three-quarters of these being from the ZA series which is an impressive figure by any standard.”

The first ZA model – which boasted a 330-litre capacity and a 10-metre working width – was released in 1958 soon after Professor Heinz Dreyer and his cousin Klaus Dreyer took over as third-generation owners of the company.

In comparison with existing full-width box spreaders, it was unique in its larger working width and compared to single disc and pendulum fertiliser spreaders offered much higher precision. The ZA series – short for the tongue-twisting zentrifugalstreuer-anbaumaschine – quickly developed into a global success story.


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