Friday, May 3, 2024

Tuakau sale July 4, 6, 7

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Winter is well upon us but prices for store cattle at Tuakau are still holding up well, Keith West of Carrfields Livestock reported. Despite the recent cold and wet weather, Thursday’s sale attracted a reasonable bench of buyers and the market remained steady.
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Demand for heavy cattle in forward order was firm. Good yearling cattle also sold well.

The offering of almost 500-head included a small line-up of 30-month steers, 480-530kg, which traded at $2.70-$2.79/kg, $1330-$1390.

Medium two-year steers, 405-450kg, sold at $2.70-$2.80/kg, $1140-$1260, with smaller R2 lots, 330-370kg, making $2.80-$2.85/kg, $920-$1020.

The best of the yearling steers, 320-330kg, earned $965-$1025, and good R1 steers, 170-190kg, $700-$820. Medium yearling steers fetched $595-$670.

The bull section included a Hereford-cross lot at 390-470kg, which traded at $2.60-$2.70/kg, $1110-$1210, with yearling Friesian bulls, 300kg, making $900.

A nice line of two-year Angus heifers, 375-410kg, sold at $2.80-$2.86/kg, and medium two-year heifers, 330-365kg, earned about $2.75/kg, $900-$980.

Good yearling heifers, 180-210kg, returned $700-$750 and medium lots, 150-175kg, $640-$685.

Wednesday’s prime sale drew a yarding of 350-400 head.

Steer and heifer prices were similar to the previous sale with heavy steers making $2.80-$2.87/kg, mediums $2.74-$2.79/kg and lighter lots $2.66-$2.71/kg.

Heavy prime heifers returned $2.70-$2.76/kg and medium lots $2.63-$2.68/kg.

Boner cow prices eased by about 5-10c/kg on the previous sale. Heavy Friesian and beef cows traded at $1.95-$2.07/kg and medium cows earned $1.84-$1.92/kg.

Lighter boners fetched $1.62-$1.76/kg. Heavy beef and dairy bulls sold well at $2.82-$2.93/kg and medium lots returned $2.70-$2.78/kg.

A yarding of 600-700 ewes and lambs was presented at Monday’s sheep sale and the market remained steady.

Heavy prime lambs sold at $113-$123, medium primes $101-$110, lighter lambs $90-$98.

Store lambs traded at $73-$83, prime ewes $65-$75.

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