Friday, May 3, 2024

Relishing responsibility

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Army-bound teenager Chris Ferguson only intended working on a dairy farm until he was 18 and old enough to enlist, but he’s now Waikato Dairy Trainee of the Year.
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Chris left school half-way through Year 13 and went to work as a farm assistant for Alan and Briar Rogers at Otorohanga.

A few months into the job he was enjoying farming so much he has stayed on, moving up to 2IC in his second season.

The 20-year-old, now in his third season on the 600-cow farm, has relished the opportunity to progress in the industry.

When the farm manager left last year, instead of replacing him, Alan and Chris took on the role between them.

“Someone once told me never to shy away if someone gives you responsibility,” Chris says. He enjoys the challenges of farming and being able to see the results from what they are doing onfarm in the figures such as milk production or the empty rate.

He has completed several Primary ITO courses and is half-way through Level 4 Dairy Management.

He will look for an opportunity to go contract milking or sharemilking in the future and hopes to be a farm owner one day.

He knows that is a huge hurdle to jump, but isn’t afraid of working hard now.

“You’ve got to work hard at some time in your life, I’ve got to try and get ahead.”

Second placed was Te Aroha farm assistant Joe Phillips, and Taupiri farm assistant Casey Meiklejohn was third.

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