Monday, May 6, 2024

Lorneville sale 13.11

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The Lorneville sale sits in a lull patch at present prior to new season lambs coming in volume. A small entry in the store pens last Tuesday had good types at $115-$120, medium $100-$110, and light $95, while prime lambs were strong at $121-$157.
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A lift in demand for ewes meant prices followed, with $200 back on the table. Heavy ewes lifted to $180-$212, with good two-tooth’s also reaching $208. Medium mixed age made $142-$170 and light lines were steady at $94-$132. Prime hoggets traded at $142-$150.

Hoggets with lambs-at-foot sold for $101 all counted, and mixed age, $110.

Prime steers showed a slight softening though quality was mixed. Beef-cross, 500kg plus, made $2.60-$2.70/kg, while better quality heifers of same weight traded at $2.70-$2.80/kg. Dairy heifers earned $2.20/kg and bulls, 820kg, $2.50/kg. Cow prices firmed and good types reached $2.10/kg, while medium lines made $1.70-$1.80/kg and light, $1.30-$1.40/kg.

Store numbers were small though prices were solid for type. Two-year Angus-Friesian steers, 347-397kg, proved popular and traded at $3.12-$3.14/kg, while their sisters at 381kg returned $2.96/kg. Hereford-cross steers lacked weight at 298kg and earned $2.91/kg, while Friesian heifers, 400-408kg, made good returns at $2.54-$2.57/kg.

Yearling quality was mixed and Hereford-cross bulls, 260-270kg, earned $3.03-$3.11/kg to be the best sellers. Hereford-cross heifers, 298kg, returned $2.98/kg, and weaner Friesian bulls, 115kg, made $455.

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