Monday, May 6, 2024

Taranaki cattle sale 10.10

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Two-year Hereford-Friesian steers, 410-515kg, made $3.15/kg Two-year Hereford-Friesian heifers, 420-500kg, earned $2.99/kg Yearling beef-dairy steers, 275-375kg, traded for $3.33/kg Boner Friesian cows, 554kg, fetched $2.44/kg
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Store cattle throughput was up at Taranaki last Wednesday to just under 400 head. Prices were  steady for good cattle, though the larger proportion of small or off-type lines sold with mixed results. The best-selling 2-year steers were Hereford-Friesian, with five 431kg top at $3.23/kg, while most others, 411-517kg, made $3.09-$3.19/kg. Most of the yearling steers were also Hereford-Friesian, and heavier lines made up to $3.47/kg. A pen of yearling Angus-Friesian heifers, 254kg, topped their section at $3.15/kg, while the best Hereford-Friesian, 166-210kg, were $3.01-$3.10/kg.

Prime numbers were light with all steers being Hereford-Friesian, 512-590kg, that earned $3.09-$3.14/kg. Boner cows made up the rest of the section and medium-good Friesian, 546-554kg, traded for $2.33-$2.44/kg.

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