Saturday, May 4, 2024

Temuka prime cattle and all sheep 19.04

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Hereford heifers, 580-594kg, achieved $2.39-$2.43/kg Hereford-Friesian heifers, 573-613kg, made $2.27-$2.31/kg 750 capital stock Perendale-Texel ewes sold for $130-$145
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The steer and heifer markets were more subdued at Temuka last Monday. Steers over 500kg largely sold for $2.35-$2.46/kg while a large quantity of 450-500kg pens made $2.12-$2.19/kg. Numerous heifers were also 450-500kg and $2.15-$2.24/kg. Cull dairy cows were the main event and a blanket range of $1.15-$1.25/kg covered most. Buyers were selective on store lambs but there was an array of heavy types to choose from. Heavy Halfbred pens fetched $75-$122 while equivalent black and whiteface pens were $90-$130. A few prime lambs sold to $160-$165 and the balance $110-$159. The heaviest ewes sold to $194-$202 while the bulk traded at $100-$180. Read more in your LivestockEye.

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