Friday, May 3, 2024

Daily Digest: July 9, 2020

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Live cattle conundrum  Little has recently been heard of the Ministry for Primary Industries’ review of the live cattle trade, which Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor said last year might threaten New Zealand’s brand.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

“The time has come to rethink this area and consider whether it's something that fits within our values as a country,” he said.

For the year ending June 30 the value of the exports was $54 million. Now exporting company Austrex says NZ exports to China this year could earn more than $100m.

If so, that is a remarkable increase in a short time. It will give officials and politicians much to weigh up as they process the 3500 submissions received in January on the topic.


Gerard Hutching



Noone replaces Hobbs 

Otago Regional Council chairwoman Marion Hobbs has been ousted in a 9-2 vote in favour of east Otago farmer Andrew Noone in what Hobbs portrayed as a push to oppose freshwater management changes.


Live cattle trade thrives 

Prices for live cattle are almost twice as much in China than locally. The total number expected to leave New Zealand shores this year is 60,000, bringing in more than $100 million in export dollars.


Drought affects sales 

A number of in-lamb ewe fairs have been cancelled this season because of dry and drought conditions as farmers in both the North and South Islands were forced to cull breeding flocks to take pressure off stressed paddocks.


China market holds up 

China emerged in May as an even more important market than ever for red meat sales, helping to cancel out sharp declines in exports to the United States, Britain and Japan. Sales fell by 2% during the month.

How to be fire safe 

Insurer FMG has offered tips to rural property owners on how to avoid ruinous house fires. It says rural dwellers are twice as likely to use wood fires which make up 20% of fire claims.


Tonight on Sarah’s Country 

7.10pm – New Zealand has huge potential to lead the world in tackling a lot of its challenges. Bright minds and talented people are one thing but do we have a culture of leadership that is brave and bold. New Rural Leaders chief executive Chris Parsons will explain his ambition for leadership in the sector.


7.20pm – Are the Government's Fit for a Better World Primary Sector Council targets ambitious enough? We unpack the roadmap announced this week with National leader Todd Muller and discuss his party’s economic recovery policy.


7.30pm – The latest figures show export red meat and by-product exports declined by 2% in a year but China's sales growth has underpinned falling markets everywhere else. We will discuss that and procurement with Meat Industry Association chief executive Sirma Karapeeva.


7.40pm – There were so many heroes of lockdown in the rural community. Rural Women NZ aims to make a nationwide morning tea shout on the July 29. We talk to chief executive Liz Pennington about the NZI Rural Women Awards and the group’s election manifesto.

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