Friday, May 3, 2024

Rongotea sale June 15

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Quality was mixed at Rongotea on Wednesday, which was reflected in a large variance in prices, with lesser types discounted.
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The R2 steer section offered little in the way of quality. Heavy exotic and crossbred, 500-577kg, were the pick of the bunch, selling for $2.73-$2.76/kg. Hereford-Friesian, 260kg, made the highest cpk price at $3.26/kg, $850. Friesian steers mainly traded at $2.52-$2.54/kg.

Quality was slightly better in the R2 heifer pens. Hereford-Friesian, 333-445kg, earned $2.56-$2.76/kg, lighter lines up to $3.08-$3.10/kg. One line of exotic heifers, 383kg, fetched $1030, $2.68, though lesser types returned less than $2/kg.

R2 bull numbers were limited to one line that traded at $1190, $2.66/kg.

Dairy-beef filled most pens in the R1 section, and steers were popular. Hereford-Friesian, 170-213kg, fetched $590-$740, Angus-Friesian heifers, 206kg, $680.

Weaner prices look promising and Rongotea’s small offering was no exception. Hereford-Friesian bulls, 106kg, sold for $550, and most of the dairy-beef heifers made $300-$410. 

Boner prices eased as demand dropped slightly. Friesian, 534-690kg, earned $1.64-$1.78/kg, Hereford-Friesian and crossbred, 397-466kg, $1.71-$1.74/kg, with one line up to $1.92/kg.

Mixed-sex lambs fetched $51-$78, ram lambs $56.

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