Saturday, May 4, 2024

Wool prices surprise

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Prices exceeded brokers’ expectations at the Christchurch wool sale on Thursday.
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After a nervous start the market settled to similar levels of recent sales for crossbred types that generally sold in the buyer’s favour with anything 31-40 microns selling at $2.13 down to $1.98.

Second-shear fleece was generally unchanged at $1.77-$1.62 for 35-39 microns.

It was the first of the new season’s mid micron wool, mainly from Canterbury, that generated most excitement.

“The excellent offering attracted strong demand from a full bench of buyers with prices exceeding expectation,” PGW South Island wool manager Dave Burridge said.

Crossbred lambs’ wool generally sold in sellers’ favour, up to $3.34/kg clean.

Mid-micron fleece was up 5% to 8% with 25-28 micron fetching $9.40 to $7.05 and 29-30 micron, also taking a lift, selling at $5.52 and $5.02 respectively.

The pass-in rate was 18%. The next Christchurch sale is on June 25.

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