Saturday, May 4, 2024

Dairy innovator backs schools

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Dairy technology innovation firm Waikato Milking Systems is welcoming an initiative offering agribusiness as a subject at seven schools in 2016 and the establishment of a Centre of Excellence for agricultural science and business.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The joint venture between agricultural partners and St Paul’s Collegiate School in Hamilton was launched by Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy.

The agricultural partner organisations represented key sectors of primary industries with Waikato Milking Systems representing the growth area of dairy technology.

Chief executive Dean Bell said New Zealand set the standard for agricultural research, innovation and science around the world but a rethink was needed on the way the sector was being sold to young people.

“Agriculture today has so many career options for young people and I am delighted that this venture will put those before young people at a time in their lives when they are beginning to think about the future.

“Our particular segment, dairy technology, has been at the cusp of innovation and growth in dairying but maintaining that momentum means that we need the brightest and the best coming through.

“Investing in those young people is an investment not only in the future of this company but in NZ agriculture and the NZ economy.

“Currently, it’s assessed that about 100 graduates enter NZ primary industries each year but we need 10 times that if the sector and the country is to achieve its potential.”

Bell said Waikato Milking Systems had hosted visits from senior St Paul’s staff as well as year 13 students to give them an insight to the vocational opportunities associated with agriculture.

“The options are immense, not just within our sphere of business, but across the primary industries sector.

“I’ve been a member of the advisory group which has been a think-tank on ideas for the broader industry needs and how that can be tailored into a tangible curriculum.

“I see a long-term commitment to the success of this programme and to offering guidance and development of the programme to meet the changing needs of the sector as well as the students who participate.”

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