Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tuakau sale 18.10

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Agents had their work cut out for them at Tuakau on Thursday, Karl Chitham of Carrfields Livestock reported.
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About 800 store cattle were yarded but a lack of serious buying power meant the market eased on other recent sales, and some lots were hard to shift.

The steer section included 571kg red-bodied Hereford-Friesian, which traded at $2.84/kg, $1620, with most 2-year lots, 427-500kg, selling at $2.90-$3.05/kg. In the yearling section, 321kg Hereford-Friesian earned $980, with 283kg Shorthorn-cross making $830 and 208kg Hereford-Friesian $700. The bulk of the weaner steers returned $500-$650.

The heifer section included 407kg Angus, which fetched $2.84/kg, $1155. Hereford-cross at 395kg made $2.86/kg, $1130, and yearling heifers, 280-305kg, $780-$860. Hereford-Friesian weaner heifers, 125kg, $500.

Heavy steers traded at up to $3.00/kg at last Wednesday’s prime sale, with the top rate paid for 681kg exotics. Other good steers, 595-616kg, earned $2.95-$2.97/kg and mediums, 525-560kg, $2.90-$2.92/kg. The prime heifer section was topped by Hereford-Friesian at 539kg, which made $2.85/kg, $1540. Other good-medium lots, 445-470kg, earned $2.80-$2.83/kg. An entry of prime Hereford-Friesian cows, 670kg, traded at $2.07/kg and 575kg Friesian made 1.88/kg. Other good-medium Friesian cows sold at $1.63-$1.67/kg.  

Lamb prices eased again at last Monday’s sheep sale, which drew a medium-sized yarding. The best of the prime lambs sold at $161-$178, with medium primes earning $144-$160 and lighter lambs $125-$148. Demand for prime ewes was fairly solid. Heavy ewes returned $156-$206, with mediums making $125-$139 and lighter types $80-$105.

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