Friday, May 3, 2024

Feilding prime cattle and sheep 8.07

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Eight boner heifers, 431kg, traded at $2.42/kg Mixed-sex lambs sold to $233 Heavy male lambs firmed to $162-$177
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5572 head last Monday provided the largest yarding of prime lambs at FEILDING so far this year, and a good buying bench were in place.

Demand for prime lambs remained high. Very-heavy males sold for $203, with the balance of these types at $182-$197. Mixed-sex of similar type made $192.50-$214, though most traded at $184-$187 and $150-$178.

Prime ewe quality was still biased towards the smaller lines. Very-good lines sold for $160-$180,

with good types firm at $144-$159. Medium-good mostly sold for $127-$139.

Boner cows continue to provide good returns as 475-525kg lines rose 8c to $2.38/kg, with in-calf at $2.40-$2.44/kg.


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