Friday, May 3, 2024

Farmers benefit from ACC levy cuts

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Farmers will save up to 29% on ACC levies next financial year.
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Federated Farmers ACC spokeswoman Katie Milne said the cuts of 21%-29% reflected an improving onfarm safety record and should go lower as the trend continued.

“While farmers may work in one of the highest risk groups, we are finally seeing our improving safety record translate into the levies paid by pastoral farmers,” Milne said.

“If there is ever an advertisement for why good safety is good for business then this is it.”

All businesses, not just farming ones, would save $151 million this financial year in the work levy alone. As farmers are self-employed they would get a share of what is a $151m safety dividend.

And employees would be paying $236m less in the earners’ levy.

The federation was happy with the result of ACC consultation but it would be watching to ensure any cut to levies did not shift the goal posts of entitlement when farmers needed to claim.

“We trust the levy cuts reflect a far more efficient and focused ACC rather than chalking up accidental injuries as part of the wear and tear of being alive.”

Milne hoped a safer vehicle fleet, including road-going farm vehicles, would see a cut next year in vehicle levies.

Milne also questioned if the time had come to give ACC its political independence from levy setting, much like the Reserve Bank has with the Official Cash Rate.

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