Sunday, May 5, 2024

Feillding sale 29.11

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Good traditional two-year steers fell to $3.32-$3.39/kg Yearling Hereford-Friesian steers, 295-375kg, eased to $3.10-$3.27/kg Heavier yearling Friesian bulls, 320-450kg, did well enough at $3.14-$3.32/kg Average store lamb dropped to $113 Heavy-to-good blackface lambs were $139-$150
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More than 1500 store cattle began on a downer as at least 20c/kg was taken out the two-year steer market. Nothing went above $3.40/kg, with the well-marked Hereford-Friesian types mainly in the $3.10-$3.20/kg range. Two-year heifers weren’t much better as only two of the better pens went above $3.00/kg, where the rest of the beef-Friesian lines were usually $2.70-$2.90/kg depending on quality and weight.

Yearling steers were a bit sticky too, though some 450-460kg Charolais were at $1590-$1685 or $3.54-$3.65/kg. Not much went above $4.00/kg. The bull market was a mixed bag, with heavier lines mainly selling better. Anywhere between $2.90-$3.20/kg was common. Heifers had only just begun at the time of writing, with 345-350kg traditionals at $3.06-$3.18/kg.

For the second time this season there was a major change in the store lamb market. Adjusting for weights around $15 was taken out prices, though this excludes a few pens that were passed in before being sold privately afterwards. Mixed sex terminal-cross were the majority again and were the better selling. Generally good-to-heavy blackface lambs were $139-$150, dropping to $115-$120 on the mediums, with not much in between. Light blackface lambs were $84-$95.50.

Quality mattered more than anything else on the whiteface lambs as medium-to-good weights were $104-$120, and anything bordering light making $99-$106. Little else was sold.

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