Saturday, May 4, 2024

Housing design

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In the UK and Ireland new housing is generally quite different to what we see being built in New Zealand. NZ housing appears to be more strongly influenced by US designs. UK sheds are generally higher and there’s a greater open wall space making them lighter and more open than NZ designs. Good design will allow for natural ventilation to release hot air, limit condensation and any build-up of ammonia.
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It will also provide enough space to ensure cow lying time is not restricted and that cows can loaf and interact freely with each other, exhibiting their natural social behaviours. Regardless of whether there are cubicles, she should be able to lunge forward as she stands.

Good design will allow good cow flow with the specific design determined by the type of animals housed, whether they are milking or dry and whether they’ll be in the shed over mating.

Again good planning is key. Watch the aspect of where the shed is positioned. Advice is to put it at a 45 degree angle to the prevailing wind.

DairyCo’s Dairy Housing – A Best Practice Guide, available on the DairyCo website or a link from, has a number of cubicle layout options and is a great resource. But remember UK cow size will generally be much larger than in NZ so not all specifications will be relevant.

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